8:57 am
Sitting here in Bryant Park. First time back in Manhattan since the tragedy. It feels good to be here. Just to feel it still here under my feet. To see the Empire State standing tall to the South (in spite of a harrowing bomb threat last night. Heather said then exactly what I was thinking: “I don’t know if I could take it if that goes down as well.”
Been reeling through my brain trying to think of what I can do to be of some use. Oh to be of use! The best I can come up with— it struck me this morning— is to switch gears and start thinking about my most ethereal idea of all, The Good Ship Manhattan.
9:51 am
Sitting on one of the benches at 51st and 6th. Things seem lighter and quieter than usual as far as foot traffic goes in this part of the city. People seem stern for the most part. And whatever conversations I do overhear are all, without exception, related to the attack....
10:56 am
Waiting for the library to open. It must be at 11 ‘cuz so many people are standing outside. I just wanna return Typee.
Went by H’s office just a few minutes ago since I couldn't reach her by phone. The day’s going normally hectic busy for her and she says she’s vaguely offended by that.
1:28 pm
Heather’s building got a bomb scare serious enough apparently to result in the authorities shutting down the building until further notice, at least until Monday.
Air still has a slight taint of acrid smoke that was so strong this morning that it woke me up, poisoned my dreams.
Still no access to internet from home. Got a glance at my emails from Heather’s desk at work, but was only able to reply to DSP. Might try the Woodside library today later or tomorrow.
5:51 pm
Had a run in with some adolescent boys at the library this afternoon that I’m not terribly proud of but, given the frustration I was feeling after trying to deal with my huge backlog of email, seems inevitable. They were back-sassing an older lady librarian who had asked them to leave. I told them, among other things, that they should shut up and do as she says, and that given what’s going on, it was time for them to start acting like citizens. Silly, I know, but it inspired me to come home and write an open letter to community organizations (schools, fire houses, police stations,) offering whatever services I can....
9:59 pm
Guess we all have to ride this terrible wave for as long as it holds us under.
Caring for each other is the beginning and undoubtedly the end.
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