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Kymberlee della Luce

I would be quite delighted to have a copy because the reading that I attended made me both think and feel. I was explaining to my daughter how there aren't just 4 directions, but 7. I include up, down and inner as directions. Your writing embodies the awareness of that.

My plans for your play include reading it for my own personal pleasure and inquiry and to inspire me to keep writing.

I might also stage it because I want to see that happen. Either way, I would love to be on your list, you brilliant creature.

Paul Mullin

You got it, Kymberlee. Your script will be signed and hand number 1 of 13.

Matthew Sweeney00

I want you to mail a copy to the public library in my hometown of Brookings, SD. I'm hoping some kid will come for the zombies and the killing but stay for the philosophy. I'll email you the contact info.

Paul Mullin

Matt, got your message with the address of the Brookings Library and I will send them a copy of the script ASAP.

How fun!

11 left!

Matthew Sweeney00

Actually--strike that. Is it too late for me to change my order? Send it to my friend JD Ackman. He's an old chum and former mentor who's a current professor (and mentor, I presume) at the university in my hometown. It may sit around in an office somewhere, but some young punk might pick it up. You might even get a production and the chance to visit eastern South Dakota out of the deal.

I'm, like, the best friend ever.

Jerry Kraft

I'd love to read your play, Paul, and I'd be happy to pass it along to any organization that I think would be interested in producing it, and that could do it justice.

1130 E 9th St.
Port Angeles, WA. 98362

Michael Doyle

Try this company in Cape May. It's the Seattle of the, um, Jersey cape. http://eastlynnetheater.org

(The ducks are not happy....)


Don't know if going to the show is a disqualifier, but I do know my copy of Philosophes could use some company ...

Paul Mullin

Mr. Penn, you are on the list! And I can't imagine how anyone but you could possibly own both plays. In fact, I don't even know if *I* own a copy of PHILOSOPHES. (I guess I better check that.)

Ray Nedzel

I don't have a copy of Philosphes either, but I've read it, twice - on dot matrix print out -- and saw the world premiere. Anyway, I'd gladly buy a copy of PZK, but if you so choose to give a copy to a guy who'd buy one...

439 Woodhaven Court
Charlottesville, VA 22902


Daryl Hrdlicka

I would like to have a copy. I;m a playwright and enjoy reading them myself, but I'm also part of a theater group that's always looking for something new to perform.

Paul Mullin

Of course I'll send you one, Ray Ray. I'd love for you to have it.

Paul Mullin

Daryl, how exciting. Thanks for reaching out. I'll email you my email address and then you can send me back the best snail mail address to send the script.

Jennifer Pratt

I deserve a copy. I need it. Want it. Will run to the rooftops with it.

Paul Mullin

Yes you DO deserve a copy, Ms. Pratt. And you and the rooftops shall have one!


Bill Salyers

It seems appropriate that I have one on my bookshelf to complete my extensive collection of Mullinalia (also, I'd like to have a souvenir of our first Seattle reading). I would like to request one, with the caveat that, if you run short of copies to give to producing entities, you do that with it, instead.
I won't post my address here, in case I still owe people money from my time in your fair city.
Thank you.

Paul Mullin

Yay, Billy. I'm glad a copy will rest with you, since you were there with this play since before the beginning. And don't worry about producers. Unless someone suggests one, they won't be getting a copy, unless they can maybe later convince one of the Benevolent 13 to give up one of their copies. Or, if somebody speaks up for them in the last five slots.

Brad Paulis

I was thinking the same think as Bill Salyers. I would prefer a producer to have a copy, but would love to have one.

Paul Mullin

Awesome, Brad! You got it. And you'll just have to trust me re: producers. The play's much better off in your hands.


Oooh, I would love one of copies of PZK! It would go very well on my shelf next to my eBook copy of Louis Slotin Sonata.

Gary Smoot

Would love to "read" it Paul (I will, I will!) I hate to burn one of the 13 ... But if it's my only option... Or maybe I could ask Salyers to go Kinkos... Or is that cheating?

Paul Mullin

Awesome, Chris Burlingame. We'll get you a copy!

Paul Mullin

Okay, I'm going to make a provisional multi-part ruling. As much as I love my unique vision of Smoot and Salyers bent over a Xerox machine together-- so much that I'm forced to rule that it would NOT be cheating-- I'm going to get you your own copy, because you and Bill have given your all for my stupid plays over the years, and the best reward I can offer is another stupid play. The very last one.

Andy Jensen

I'll take one so I can show my kids what a play looks like before it's on stage.

Paul Mullin

Awesome, Andy. You got it.

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