« May 24, 2005 | Main | The Problem Intiman Faces (And Every Other Theatre) »



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Kymberlee della Luce

I'm really glad you posted it. I drank in every word.

I like this line best of all: "the monk and the woman lose themselves in each other's laughter"

I like it because it takes me back to all the times I have been in that place with another, the time my brother and I made my mom pee when she was pregnant by making her laugh (mercilessly) and the numerous times I've watched my kids laugh uproariously with each other and marveled at their connection.

Your writing made my world a better place today. It's already quite vast but you made it more beautiful and more human.

You might have even inspired me give birth to something that is waiting to be born with me.

Thank you.

Paul Mullin


Thank you so much for your comment. Posting these old daylogs has felt at times a bit vacuous. But if I touched you it makes it all worthwhile.



Sometimes I forget that there is another Paul. Not the Paul I normally run into in the break room who is ranty and constructive and angry and hilarious. And don't get me wrong. I LOVE that Paul. But he can make me temporarily forget about the Paul whose writing can surprise me by being simultaneously funny, earnest and sweet. The Paul who wrights and crafts is great - the witty can barely be contained. But the Paul who breathes and loves and dreams is effortless joy.


Paul Mullin

Thank you, Darian. You move me truly with this comment. I like that other Paul, too. I promise not to always keep him in the closet, even though he IS pretty shy.

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