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Jodi-Paul Brown-Wooster

Paul, I love you, but know this...You are Fucked. The 14/48 gods show no mercy. I so wish I was in town this weekend to see you through it. You are brilliant.
You are Fucked.
Good Luck.

Lyam White

"A form cannot be properly understood through idle contemplation. The contemplating being must play out his own destiny before the universe he contemplates, and so all types of poetry are types of destiny."--Gaston Bachelard on Lautreamont

If I may suggest that theater--if not a form or poetry or an umbrella that encompasses poetry--is inextricably linked with poetry, then this makes perfect sense. Who in his right mind does not fear destiny?

And yes, we are fucked. If we weren't, why would we bother?

Paul Mullin

Yeah, Jodi-Paul! What Lyam said!

tina witherspoon

You're a brave man! I'm so sorry to miss this weekend's festivities. Be sure and smile when you deliver those beers. ;)

Lisa V.

I feel like showing up to the meeting even though I am not involved at all just to get a beer from you. : ) I get petrified every single time as an actor even though its been like 13 or 14 times now. That fear is actually an awesome thing. I feel really ALIVE and attuned to everything in the moment. May the Gods be kind!

Bill Salyers

In bocca al lupo.


Alright, expecting some deep thoughts from you on the experience.

Louise Penberthy

Yes! Deep thoughts.

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