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Jason Howard

Thanks for this remembrance.

Jane Beard

What a lovely piece. I was lucky to work with Mark for five months. He was generous, smart, and terrific in the role. What a loss for everyone,

Paul Mullin

You are most welcome, Jason.

And thank you for joining in, Jane.

Steve Alter

Great piece, Paul. Thanks for so beautifully articulating what so many are feeling and thinking right now.

Paul Mullin

Steve, thank you. Of course I consider it my honor and privilege to do what comes naturally to me: write about the human beings that I admire.

Susan Rosenbaum

You may want to check out the memorial site we set up for Mark at
inmemoryofmarkchamberlin.net and post there as well. Thank you.

Jerry Kraft

That is one of the nicest and most sincere pieces I've read about the loss of Mark Chamberlin. Thanks, Paul, for adding your voice to all of ours, as we stand in the silence of his.

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