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Jim Jewell

Have you read "Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" by Walter Benjamin? He doesn't take it the same direction I do, but his opening discussion on reproduction and art is practically a manifesto for why we need live performance and why it is so valuable.

Jonathan Westerberg

Chills with those final words of yours. I think, for reasons you have already stated, that theatre is perhaps more important than ever, precisely because notions of human "weight" are missing from so many 21 century, mainstream, artistic products (and processes). Theatre is perhaps one of our final conduits back to that experience of being alive, together, in a wild, freezing universe that, at best, tolerates (not without limits) our attempts to command our world, the way a parent might tolerate a child who holds a coke bottle to an anthill.

Paul Mullin

Hah! Great image. Thanks, Jonathan!

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